Prostitution Argument

Prostitution Argument

Prostitutes in the United States are stripped of their freedom by our government for practicing sexual relationships with other consenting adults for gains for themselves. Every year, estimates of 62,668 prostitutes are arrested each year for their means of a way of life. (Williams) The exact definition of Prostitution is the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment. (Oxford) While the simple act of human desire is penalized, from which penalties range from $750 to $10.000 and imprisonments up to a year. Leaving out the dollar figures on how much it costs to train an anti prostitution agent. Showing that American tax dollars are being put to use for a war you can’t stop.
Decriminalizing prostitution in the United States will make big gains for us in the following ways. First by cutting out funding to governments to stop pursuing prostitution. Next by decreasing the crime rate to knee shattering percentages, which includes the decrease in rape, child prostitution rings, and homicide. Following the main point of decriminalizing prostitution is lowering the HIV and other transmitted diseases rate by making a big increase of the decrease of this epidemic. All of these key factors bring out the point on why the old profession in the world is still illegal in the United States when there is so much gain and progress to achieve; rather than waste it for unnecessary reasons.
Just as the saying goes that history repeats itself is a prime example of prohibition of alcohol during the great depression. When the 18th Amendment was passed prohibiting the use of manufacturing and transporting alcohol the opposite effects that the amendment was made for back fired causing mirror viewed events to today. When the amendment took effect people started producing homemade whiskey and gin in bathtubs, the price of alcohol skyrocketed in black market sales due to hefty demand. As a result prohibition did literally nothing to actually prevent...

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