Psy 202

Psy 202

My Life: Where I’ve been, currently am, and will be going.
PSY 202
December 13, 2010

I. Where I’ve come from and where I’m going in my life.
a. Past life experiences are what we learn from and are what make us who we are for the better or worse. because without any of these development tools and experiences we do not develop as humans., Life experiences through familly, parenting skills, our social circles, peers, gender and cultre are all things that shape us and who we are as a person., and There are three dimensions that we each experience as we have life experiences. They are physical, cognitive, and socioemotional.
II. My early years
b. Earliest memories and experiences
c. Grade School
d. High School to Marriage
e. What I learned
III. My current years.
f. What I learned
g. What I’m still learning
h. Who I’ve become
IV. My future
i. Goals I’m working on now
j. What I still want to accomplish
k. What I hope to learn
V. My past is what has made me who I am today
l. Family, social circles, peers, are all experiences that shape and develop the physical, cognitive and socioemotional dimensions of who we are as a person.
m. Each of us as a human experiences these developments to a greater or lesser degree, hopefully to a place where we as a race continue to grow and develop and not become stagnant.

Witt, G. A., & Mossler, R. A. (2010). Adult development and life assessment. Retrieved from

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