Purchase Request Packages

Purchase Request Packages

Here at GSA within the procurement departments, there is a common problem with the documents received as part of the procurement request packages. The Requirements Office often submits incomplete or inaccurate procurement packages. This issue places a time constraint on the overall procurement process. The desired end-state is to achieve 90% accuracy.

We believe that this problem is occurring for several different reasons. The first reason we think this may be happening is because the requirements office does not know what the required documents are for a complete and accurate package. They lack the necessary information or knowledge of submitting acceptable packages. Another reason we believe this problem is occurring is because the requirements office is rushing to get a project awarded and intentionally omitting some documents in attempt to push the project along. The final reason this problem may be happening is because the requesting office may be short staffed not allowing them the necessary time to fully complete the required documents.

On average about 40% of the procurement requirement packages submitted are inadequate or incomplete. Some of the problems with the requirement packages that we have encountered; are vague statements of work, missing justifications & accounting classification codes and missing signatures on 49’s or other documents that require a signature. This problem directly affects the procurement office, customer and the requirements office. The procurement department cannot proceed with the solicitation and contract award without the proper documentation causing a delay. We cannot satisfy the customer’s need in a timely fashion because we are going back and forth with the requirements office in order to get accurate and complete packages.

Our team has come up with three possible solutions and alternatives to correct the problem.

1. Implement a rejection process for incomplete / inaccurate packages.
2. Have the...

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