Race and Your Communtiy

Race and Your Communtiy

Race and My Community
My community is a very diverse place. There are many different ethnic groups and many different cultural groups. I am somewhat of a minority where I live. There are mostly Hispanic Americans, and African Americans, but that is just my apartment complex. We all get along, and try to look past the differences we all have. The leaders of our community try to make it the best palace possible. The media sheds a negative light on those members of the community that are a part of the minority group, but that does not hold anyone back. Changes should be made within the community, but there is not a single person who can do it on their own. It takes many to make a change.
My community is made up of most Hispanic Americans and African Americans. I am white American. There are not many people that look like me in my neighborhood. The culture is different and the way people act is different. Whenever I walk into my apartment building I can either hear Hispanic music playing loud, or smell so amazing aromas that are different from anything that I have ever smelled before. These different things always remind me that I live in a very diverse world. It took me a long time to realize that being different doesn’t mean being wrong. It took a big change in my life to teach me to accept all people no matter what race or ethnic group.
The high school that my sister and I first attended was not very diverse at all. There was a single African American family and a single Hispanic American family in the town we lived it. Then in the middle of my freshman year, we moved to a very diverse neighborhood and school. I went from being the majority to being the minority. It was a huge culture shock. I can remember thinking that I was going to be shot. Looking back on that now, I realize how silly that sounds. Moving to a diverse and culture rich neighborhood taught me that it doesn’t matter skin color. It only matters how people are treated. As long as I don’t pass...

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