Radio Transmission and Receiving Technologies

Radio Transmission and Receiving Technologies

radio transmission and receiving technologies 
A production course in how to use the microphone, audio tape & digital audio equipment. Also, how to edit audio, especially for use in broadcast journalism. Brief overview and history of elec- tronic journalism and some issues of controversy.
To develop in the student the skills, techniques and art of radio news through sound and the spo-
ken word. It is a "hands-on" course teaching the use of the microphone, recorder, the phone, satel-
lite networks and the editing equipment used to create the short inserts used in normal studio
news programs.
At the end of the semester the students should know;
A) the difference and similarities between print and broadcast journalism
B) radio news production; know it's definition and contribution to local broadcast journalism
C) know how to use remote equipment, especially the audio tape recorder
D) know the technique of mixing audio sources
E) know the techniques of audio tape editing, especially for use in radio news. COURSE OUTLINE
I - Equipment for Radio News Production
1.1 Microphones
1.2 Sound recording Machines
1.3 Portable Sound Mixers
1.4 Sound transmission over lines
1.5 Telephone Recordings
1.6 Wireless Microphones and Microphone Transmitters
1.7 Radio Newsgathering Vehicles
1.8 Wireless News Links
I I - News Directives
2.1 Organization of the Newsroom
2.2 What is news
2.3 News Sources
2.4 News Formats
2.5 National constraints and legal aspects
2.6 The A.B.C.: Accuracy-Balance-Clarity
I I I Writing for Radio News
3.1 Writing for the ear: five principals
3.2 How to make your copy sound lively
3.3 How to shape a sentence
3.4 How to structure a news item
3.5 How to grab the attention of the listener
3.6 How to retain the interest of the listener
3.7 Helping the newsreader
I V - Reporting
4.1 The Basics of Reporting
4.2 Quoting the Source
4.3 Tools for Newsgathering

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