Record-Keeping Flow Chart

Record-Keeping Flow Chart

Record Keeping Flow Chart

Record Keeping Procedures

1. Application Form

This is important so that the organisation knows who the learner is, what their contact and personal details are and what course they are interested in applying for so they can invite them in for interview. This information is useful as the organisation will need details such as emergency contacts and address information to send out reports, etc. it is good practice for these records to be kept for each learner so that the organisation can, at any time access this information.

Once the learner has filled in the Application Form they will know that the organisation has all their contact details as well as information with regard to the course that they are interested in.

The teacher will find this information useful as they will need to know that the learner has applied for their course. From the information contained on the form, the teacher can understand the background and experience of the prospective learner; this can help when selecting learners for interviews and during interview stages.

2. Funding and Eligibility Check

As the organisation is Government funded, each learner’s eligibility for funding must be checked and documented; if the learner is not eligible for funding then the learner must seek an alternative funding route.

The learner will need to know whether the Government will fund their education or whether they need to be privately funded through an alternative source.

The teacher should have knowledge about this area so that they can give information, advice and guidance to their learners with regard to funding issues.

3. Initial BKSB Assessment

The organisation would need this documentation so that they can have a log of the current levels of each learner with reference to their ability in Maths and English. This information is kept on the learner files and is updated as the learner’s ability improves....

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