Remembering Process

Remembering Process

Remembering process

Your subconscious mind stores everything. When you feed your cortex plenty of water by drinking lots of it and plenty of oxygen by relaxed breathing each time you take in new information and concepts, your conscious mind is flooded with healthy blood. If you are nervous when you are asked to explain these new concepts or repeat new information, the blood leaves your cortex and rushes to the other side of the brain. You forget everything you knew when the blood was in your cortex. Later, when relaxed, all that new information comes back to you.
Remembering what you already know is an essential attribute that humans might lose, due to many internal and external circumstances. Our brain is the one responsible for memory process, theories showed that memory disturbance or amnesia doesn’t have to do with age, but rather, with the person himself and his inner ability of the brain to react to situations simultaneously in person’s life. Some peoples’ minds just couldn’t bare life’s tragedies like losing someone they love, while others could.
Memory is an organism's ability to store, retain, and recall information and experiences from either the sensory memory, short-term or long-term memory. There are three main types of recall: free recall, cued recall and serial recall. Free recall is like giving a person a list of items and asked to recall them with any order. Cued recall act as guides to what the person is supposed to remember. A cue can be virtually anything that may act as a reminder, e.g. a smell, song, color, place etc. Cued recall also plays into free recall because when cues are provided to a subject, they will remember items on the list that they did not originally recall without a cue. Serial recall refers to our ability to recall items or events in the order in which they occurred. The ability of humans to store items in memory and recall them is important to the use of language. Imagine recalling the different parts of a sentence,...

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