Republicans vs Democrats

Republicans vs Democrats

Jeremy Hoskins English October 15, 2008 Essay Death and Taxes In the upcoming Presidential election the two main candidates are Barrack Obama and John McCain. Both candidates have very different views on certain issues that the majority of Americans are concerned about: health care and taxes. While both Senators want citizens to have realistic means for both topics, they vary in the way they should get done. Senator Obama’s stance is that all Americans should have the right to affordable and comprehensive health coverage. He would like to ensure that all Americans will have health coverage through their employers, private plans and either Federal or state governments. As the Senator states, “My plan builds on and improves our current insurance system, which most Americans continue to rely upon, and creates a new public health plan for those currently without coverage. Under my plan, Americans will be able to choose to maintain their current coverage if they choose to” (Washington Post 1). As he shows with his plan the savings on the average American family would be $2,500 a year. The savings would stem from the improved quality and efficiency and the reduction of waste expenditures. The outlook of Senator McCain on America’s health care system is that the reform must put the individuals and families at the center of the system, not the bureaucrats. “I believe the best way to expand access and control costs, without hurting the quality of our health care, is to harness competition to offer more affordable insurance options for as many Americans as possible, and to leverage innovation such as low-cost health clinics in retail stores for example and cost-effectiveness of our nation's firms to put an end to existing rigid, unfriendly bureaucracies” (Washington Post 2). Also, McCain supports the development of preventative health care so fewer Americans have to spend time in hospitals and emergency care. He believes that more competition in the health care...

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