Respect as an Army Value

Respect as an Army Value

RESPECT as an army value

Recently i had a run in with a ssg in my battery and as soon as i walked in the room he raised his voice and started cussing me out for no reason.So me bein the calm and collective person that i was started yelling back.Thus the reason for this essay.Respect is one of the army's seven values but it is alson one of the most important factors in our daily life.Sure you can get thru this life without having respect but it makes it very hard.without having respect for one another we put ourselves at the bottom of the list for everything.Also if we dont show respect how can we recieve respect back and without recieving the respect from our peers or those set above us how can we ever move ahead in this life.Respect is one of the easiest things to do simply holding a door open for someone is showin them respect.In that aspect courtesy goes a long ways.This is a simple essay to write since respect spans every part of our daily life like when we get in our car and drive to the store,jogging in the park even.pretty much everywhere we go and communicate with other people respect is involved.It is for this reason that respect is so important cus u never know when the person you hold the door for is the person deciding to accept your application for a new job or even getting you that promotion that you have been waiting so long for.

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