Retail Services Marketing

Retail Services Marketing

Retail Services Marketing - Individual Essay

Carrick Education
Terry Siutryk

Word Count: 957


The essay discusses different areas of consumer behaviour and gives the reader an overview of research findings. Its purpose is to attempt to demonstrate some of the complexity and breadth of consumer behaviour, its impact in service transactions and the importance for it to be managed efficiently, with a focus on integrated and effective communication. It takes a holistic look at management tools and insights, it doesn’t endeavour to define the characteristics of services or delve deeply into all of the concepts explored.

Consumers aren’t aware of all the factors that influence their behaviour, marketer’s can only influence some of the individual’s environment, and other factors should be considered (Kotler, 2007). In any service encounter, perception is reality, what really matters, is how the customer interprets that encounter (Chase, 2001). Managing perceptions determines the process which people select, organize, and interpret (Kotler, 2007) the companies marketing efforts to attract customers to trade.

Companies realize customers are the most important asset, viewing the relationships as mutually beneficial exchanges and as opportunities to be managed (Plakoyiannaki, 2005). “The commitment of the firm to provide service quality is perceived by its managers as a competitive advantage” (Bigne, 2005). Satisfaction has bottom line outcomes for service organizations during service encounters (Barger, 2006) demonstrating the need for management to get it right.

In services; customers are inseparable from the production process and by nature are capricious, emotional and disinterested in the company’s profit agenda (Frei, 2006). Faircheallaigh (1991) suggests, “Client satisfaction equals performance minus expectation” asking that both the performance and the expectation require management. Managers should provide adequate resources for...

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