Risk of Weapons

Risk of Weapons

Possession of a Weapon

A few facts about deaths caused by guns. “ Suicide is the second leading cause of death in the United States, half of the ones that succeed in taking their life used a gun. “Many youths who kill themselves have no mental health disorder; up to 40 percent of youths who kill themselves have no known mental illness. Is there a risk of having a gun at home? After my research my answer is yes. You can be the victim of a violent crime such as accidental deaths, suicides, or homicides. “Nearly half of today’s American gun owners report that their main reason for having a gun is protection. Fewer than one-third owns a gun for hunting.” (Causey) This paper will focus on how accidental deaths, suicides, and homicides can make you a victim of a violent crime.
The possession of a gun can make any quarrel, dispute; assault robberies deadly and can make you a victim of a deadly crime. (Perry) “The average number of Americans shot and killed daily in 2003 to 2007 was 33” (Perry) The rate children get murdered in the United States is thirteen times higher than other countries. (Perry) Victims of a homicide are not always the bad guys. It is usually someone that the owner of the gun cares about. Research shows that a gun owner is forty-three times more likely to shot and hill a family member than that he would shoot and kill anybody else. (Causey)
“The self-defense argument, that advocates use, basically states that guns make us safer by protecting us and that in the absence of a firearm, we are vulnerable to predatory criminals who are intent on invading our homes, or vulnerable to a government that will suddenly decide to disarm and annihilate us. (Darling-Brekhus) Evidence suggests that having a gun increases the chances a person would be killed or injured; than the gun would be used to protect individuals from harm. The percentage is much higher that a firearm will be used against an individual than that same firearm would be used an...

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