Rmb Assignment

Rmb Assignment

  • Submitted By: jpozniak
  • Date Submitted: 10/27/2008 2:41 AM
  • Category: Business
  • Words: 3559
  • Page: 15
  • Views: 789

Research methods for business

Class: 1L
Group: 5
Ugbesia Gloria
Funda Durmaz
Kevin Moerkens
Jesse Pozniak
Jiang Xin Rong

Assignment #1

Question 1

a. Provide brief background information about the supermarket project and explain what is expected from you in this project IP-1

You work for a marketing bureau and you just receive a request from a foreign supplier. Your task is to research the Dutch market foe any potential, you also have to develop a plan in case he wants to launch the product. The idea is that you want to sell the product in a supermarket so you have to investigate different supermarkets and competitors. We all have to do this together so that means good communication and keeping deadlines. We have to set up meetings and each play a role like if we were in a real company. It is group effort and the group will be graded as such.

b. Formulate an overall and comprehensive research question and objective for the totality of your supermarket project.

Are there enough possibilities for us to gain enough market shares to maintain a profitable product?

Question 2

Develop research questions and objectives for all the assignments in the supermarket syllabus.
Make a distinction between theoretical and empirical research questions. For information: read all the assignments in the supermarket syllabus, as there are:

a. 4.1 Assignment A: Research the product and competitors
b. 4.2 Assignment B: Consumer research
c. 4.3 Assignment C: Selecting, targeting, positioning and product strategy
d. 4.4 Assignment D: Placing and Pricing the product
e. 4.5 Assignment E: Promotion& visualization

4.1 Assignment A

Research questions:
Who are the competitors?
What is the Market potential of my product?
What is the price of my competitors?

Our group wants to introduce a new brand of spring water into the Dutch market. There is a small number of...

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