Sad Story

Sad Story

  • Submitted By: jazzy17
  • Date Submitted: 12/07/2013 9:42 PM
  • Category: Biographies
  • Words: 622
  • Page: 3
  • Views: 162

I personally know a friend that was born with a physical issue. He was born a month premature and was only born with one arm. At first when he was telling me him story of how he was born that way i was asking myself how could that have happen? I know plenty of other people who were premature a month early and they turned out fine. My friend when on to tell me that he had time to research and ask around on how that could have happen. The doctors had told him that while he was developing for some reason that side were his arm was missing the cells had stop working and stopped developing his arm. I felt sorry that that had happen to him, then he went on to tell me how his childhood was like.
During his childhood, he had lots of people pick on him because he was different. He was teased on, made fun of, was an outcast and he had no friends. He told me he would cry and ask his mom why she made him that way but his mom would always answer that is just the way god made you. He told me he would argue and get angry because of his physical condition. He began to wear sweaters to cover his arm. He did not care if it was extremely hot or dreadful cold he insisted if no one can see his arm then he would make friends. When he got into middle school thats when he became less shy about his appearance. He said that a group of popular guys were in his class and invited him for lunch and since then they have been his friends. After a while he began to gain confidence and one of his friends told him to take his sweater off. Of course my friend was afraid that if he does they would laugh and make fun of him so he told him no.
His first year of high school was the year he felt more comfortable. He told me that he was happy to go in there with a group of friends and was ready to get to meet new people and focused on graduating. That year he learned in physical education that he was not allowed to wear sweaters for swimming class. He wanted to run away but his friend was in his...

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