Sand dryer equipment clogging reasons

Sand dryer equipment clogging reasons

Sand dryer blockage has been plagued our problem is we have been trying to solve today for the majority of Zhengzhou Bangke users under the sand to explain the reasons for blocking dryer equipment.
Sand dryer clog the system in some major mechanical impurities, the material in the course of transmission of large particles or liquid crystal viscosity than conveying the limit, if it is completely clogged dryer can be judged from two phenomena: a stress is a sudden increase in the high-pressure pump, the second is the tower inlet temperature increased significantly. If sand dryer partially blocked or not completely dry, high-pressure pump pressure change is not obvious, but the dryer outlet gas temperature will be significantly improved. No matter what kind of situation occurs, must be promptly treated, otherwise it will generate a lot of waste, or even cause other failures. Measures to prevent sand clogged dryer equipment:
1 Select the appropriate filter liquid filter is to filter impurities equipment, filter mesh to select the channel with sand dryer and pore population to adapt, often choose mesh filter diameter is sand dryer into the channel or aperture to 0.2 times.
2 Set the imaging device to monitor machine settings can be observed in the dry state of the location, and then drying the state promptly transmitted to the control room to monitor machine, allowing the operator to grasp the dry state, failure to timely discover:
When carried out with compressed air pressure or composite 3.Adopt sand dryer This dual function of both sand dryer air dryer and pressure-type sand dryer, high-pressure pump while driving has not reached the drying pressure drying, high-pressure pump to be stopped when the compressed air to work properly. Similarly, if the sand dryer drying for some reason there is more than often while also taking this approach to prevent wet material, this method is an additional means of dealing with failure.
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