

During my time in Introduction to Diversity for Educators this semester I have learn many different things. Reading the book Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society, doing my field clinical experience, and meeting new people in the class from different parts of the country made me change my view in some cases about teaching diversity. When doing my chapter reviews I actually appreciated them because of the fact that it forced me to read and come up with my own opinion about the chapter. Even though I felt I could have applied myself more with the chapter reviews I still learned from them. This class has also made me become a better writer and helped me understand that I should come up with my own creative way of getting my point across but meeting all of the requirements. Also, I have learned that I would have to work hard for my grade and that nothing will be handed to me which I believe will help me become a better student and educator. (2010) stated that acculturation is the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group. Explaining the general reacculturation process that all students go through when they come to college. When students come to college they are meeting students from all over the country and even out of the country. Many students come to college one way and once being some will either change or some will not. I remember coming to Florida A&M University (FAMU) in fall 2007 and not knowing what to expect. I was use to a bigger city and having excess to bus, train, and even a taxi cab. Growing up in a city area I was use to getting on a bus to go where ever I wanted to go and having the bus run every day of the week and all night long. Then I came to FAMU and had to realize that one the bus does run on Sunday and it stops at a certain time. Looking back from my freshman year to know I can see my social patterns change I am more open to saying hi to people I don’t know and even having...

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