Sdw Defdas

Sdw Defdas

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Cost Advantages成本优势
The cost efficiency of multinational businesses is one of their most pronounced advantages.跨国企业的成本效益是其最显着的优势之一。 Multinational companies have a wider range of options related to the physical location of facilities and labor than their domestic competitors, allowing them to locate facilities in countries with the most favorable tax structures, interest rates and labor costs.跨国公司有更广泛的设施和劳动比其国内竞争对手的物理位置相关的选项,使他们能够在最有利的税收结构,利率和劳动力成本的国家定位设施。

Multinationals can leverage the natural advantages of each of the countries they are located in as well.跨国公司可以利用的天然优势,以及位于每个国家。 Certain countries feature ideal conditions for specific agricultural products or fuel sources, for example, while others feature high-tech economies with low-cost sources of highly educated workers.某些国家提供了理想的条件特定农产品或燃料来源,例如,低成本,受过高等教育的工人,而其他则配备了高科技的经济。

Political Advantages政治优势
Multinationals can do more to reduce or eliminate political influences on their bottom line than international businesses based in a single country.跨国公司可以做更多,以减少或消除他们的底线比一个国家在国际业务上的政治影响力。 Multinational companies can position their facilities in such a way as to reduce or eliminate tariffs and avoid other trade barriers, for example, or to gain political concessions due to their contribution to local gross domestic product.在这样一种方式,以减少或消除关税和避免其他贸易障碍,例如,或获得政治上的让步,由于当地国内生产总值(GDP)的贡献,跨国公司可以定位自己的设施。

Consider a Chinese company with a production facility in the European Union (EU), for example.在欧洲联盟(欧盟)的生产设施,例如考虑一家中国公司。 The company could manufacture products inside the EU for distribution to EU member countries, completely bypassing the import restrictions and other trade barriers faced by China-based exporters.公司生产的产品分配给欧盟成员国在欧盟内部,完全绕开了中国出口商面临的进口限制和其他贸易壁垒。

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