Short Analysis of Act 3 Scene 3 of the Tempest

Short Analysis of Act 3 Scene 3 of the Tempest

  • Submitted By: solidbeauty
  • Date Submitted: 03/12/2011 9:00 PM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 1017
  • Page: 5
  • Views: 2

Topic Scene 3
IN this scene of the play we see the weary Alonso and his follerwers pause in their serarch for Ferninand .Alonso is broken hearted and expresses his deep despair . However, Antonio encourafes Sebastian despite the Kings low spirits he should continue with his plan to kill him , seeing as they are now weary and cannot be as alert as when fresh, Propsero appears, invisible to them and a strange music and dancing of creatures of the isle appears and a pfeast is prepared before them . Before they can parake of it h, Ariel clpas his wings and disappears . Only Antonio , Sebastian can hear he reminds them of their wickedness to Propero and his innocent child . Prospero reflects on his advantageous position of complete control over his enemies and leaves. Alosnso is filled with remorse unlike Antonio and Sebastian who ow to vanquish the spirits. Gonzalo does not hear Ariels words and consequently is of the belief that the injustice they have done to Prospero is what is haunting them now .

This scene is arguably the climax of the play – it is when we see a measure of success of Prospero’s magic. Alonso is indeed so overwrought in grief over the loss of his son that his more sensitive side is revealed and feels remorse over his evil deed towards Prospero after he heard Ariel’s speecha and is convinced that nature itself is punishing him for his deeds. This is exactly what Prospero wants and the readers arenow in anticipation as to what is to follow this change of heart and how it will affect the ending of the play.
By examining the language used by the characters in the play we can thoroughly examine the significance fo the play.
The exceeprt beginis with Alonso saying “ I will stand to feed, although my last- no mater, since I feel the best is past…”. These rhymed words are extremely significant in portaying the emotional condition of Alonso at this moment in the play. The belief that his son is lost has influenced his desire to live since he...

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