Should Fine arts be mandated in schools

Should Fine arts be mandated in schools

Should fine arts be mandatory at schools
I think fine arts should be mandatory at schools because it could distinguish the artistic kids. Another reason I think it should be mandatory is because it gets kids to collaborate. A reason it shouldn't is that it cost way too much. Let's get started.
A reason kids should be required to take a fine arts class is because it could distinguish the artistic kids. By observing an elementary school playground, it is easy to distinguish the artistic kids, who are drawing or making crafts, from the jocks, who are zooming around with a ball on the tattered fields. But how can people be sure that the boy shooting the winning goal does not also have the voice of an angel? That is the first reason.
The other reason kids should be required to take a fine arts class is because it gets kids to collaborate. Working on group fine arts projects like a school musical or band concert helps students learn to share and grow through collaboration -- a valuable employment skill. Student learning through shared experiences of discussions, compromises and acceptance of new ideas from others can lead to successful things in the future. Collaborative art-making provides a safe and practical opportunity for students to learn acceptance of different points-of-view, experience student diversity by recognizing contributions from different cultures and grasp how shared success feels from contributing to a job well done. That is the second reason.
Some people, however, think this is a bad idea. It could cost too much. The price of instruments and music prices are through the roof. The prices for paints and clay cost a fortune. Most schools are cutting classes like these to save money. That is the bad reason.
So all in all, I believe fine arts should be mandatory at schools because it could distinguish the artistic kids and it gets kids to collaborate with one another. A bad side to it could be because of the cost. Thank you for reading my paper.

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