Should Marajuna Be Legal for Medical Propose

Should Marajuna Be Legal for Medical Propose

Should Marijuana be legalized for Medical Purposes?

Author: Sandra Heyward
PSY: 326 Research Method
Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Andrews
Date: August 24, 2008

Survey usage begins when an individual or institution is confronted with information needed and there are no existing data which will suffice. Surveys are beneficial to many fields’ psychology, business, and science just to name a few. The main reason why surveys have such staying power is due to the fact that they provide a personal point of view with anonymity. With this anonymity survey takers are able to answer more freely without guile or bias. The question in surveys can be either open-ended (Why do you feel that way) also invite the participant to expand on a point e.g. ‘what do you think of… ‘What is your opinion of...? ‘How could …..’ be improved. The advantages of open-ended question are they put the interviewee at ease, permits further questions into areas that were not anticipated during interview planning. There are also disadvantages the interviews get off track and loses control of the interview can be time consuming. Closed end question (Do you approve or disapprove). Closed ended question are questions that generate a specific answer i.e. the possible responses to a question is limited. “How many employees are in your department? How long have you…? Which of the following best describes…? The advantages makes it easy to compare interview, the interviewer is in control and allows the data to be gather quickly. There are also disadvantages to closed end questions” difficult to gauge attitudes\ opinions it difficult to establish a rapport between interviewee and the interviewer. Open ended questions are difficult, costly, and time consuming to...

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