Sick Plants Core Practical (Biology)

Sick Plants Core Practical (Biology)

  • Submitted By: blingmonkeys
  • Date Submitted: 05/13/2011 4:17 PM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 705
  • Page: 3
  • Views: 12

Sick Plants


From my research I think that the plant with all nutrients will grow the best as it is provided with all of the nutrients a plant needs to grow. I think the plant that will grow worst is the plant that has no nutrients as it has nothing to help it grow or produce what it needs to e.g. photosynthesis.

The importance of calcium to plants

Calcium is important to plants in terms of structure of its cells, if there is a lack of calcium ions then the cell membrane deteriorates. Calcium ions determine the permeability of the cell membrane and a lack of these ions means the permeability of the plant cells is affected. This can affect how much water can get in and out of the cells and therefore lead to stunted growth because for example water is need by cells for photosynthesis. A plant which is lacking in a lot of chlorophyll is called ‘chlorotic’.

The importance of magnesium to plants:

Plants use magnesium to make chlorophyll; this is the green pigment in the plant that is where photosynthesis occurs. Without magnesium chlorophyll cannot be made and therefore photosynthesis can’t happen which leads to the death of the plant as it is not able to produce its food. Signs of a lack of magnesium are yellow leaves. Leaves turn yellow when the plant has a lack of magnesium as chlorophyll can’t be made and this is what provides the leaves with their green pigment.

The importance of nitrogen to plants:

Nitrate ions are needed to make amino acids, plants make their own amino acids and amino acids contain one or more nitrogen atom. Nitrogen is important in the structure of the cell. Proteins are also used to make enzymes. Nitrogen is also important in the production of DNA, this aids the plant to grow and reproduce. A lack of nitrogen in a plant can cause stunted growth and poor development of secondary shoots.
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* 7 test tubes or smaller tubes
* Test tube holder
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