Sleep Deprivation Podcast

Sleep Deprivation Podcast

Sleep Deprivation Podcast
PSY/340 – Biological Foundations in Psychology
Rebecca Wilson
Sleep Deprivation Podcast
Hello parents, teachers and guests. Our psychology club would like to welcome and share with you today the importance of sleep and the effects that sleep deprivation has on teenagers.
What is sleep deprivation? Well basically sleep deprivation is a condition in which you don’t get enough sleep or don’t sleep well. Sleep deprivation is caused by many factors. From not getting adequate sleep due to our everyday stressors or simply using sleep time for other things such as staying up to finish watching your favorite show. Sometimes we may just have a medical condition that disrupts our sleep.
We as a race have different sleep patterns in which work for each of us. In most studies it is found that we need an average of 7 to 9 hours of sleep for our body to get the rest it needs to function at its peak. Sleep deprivation is a serious issue which happens to people every day and affects our lives. The cost for not getting enough sleep can have an affect one way or another in the normal function in our everyday lives. There are different studies in which it is shown not getting the correct hours of sleep can lead a person to have a problem with obesity, diabetes and heart problems, not to mention mental effects. When a person does not sleep the normal amount they run the risk of having a shorter life due to getting some kind of health problems so it is wise to get your 7 to 9 hours of sleep each and every day.
With sleep deprivation one of the systems effected by this problem is the heart. This can happen in various ways including blood pressure and this can increase with sleep deprivation. Gaining weight is linked to not getting a complete sleep cycle. Some of these problems can be corrected with the adequate amount of sleep which boosts our immune system and helps us recover from any diseases or injuries we have sustained during the day...

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