Smoking Should Be Banned Frm College

Smoking Should Be Banned Frm College

Smokers think that they are only hurting themselves when they smoke. But, it’s not true; they are also hurting the people who love them and the environment. Smoking is bad for our health. Smoking causes cancer, heart attack and stroke. Because of smoking hundreds of thousand people die every year. Half of these deaths occur in the middle age. Smoking should be banned entirely from the MCC campus because it cause health problems, it pollute the environment and it affect the students who don’t smoke.
The effects of smoking on human health are deadly and serious. People under the age of 40 who smoke have a five times higher chance of having a heart attack than nonsmokers. And smoking is also the single most important and common cause of heart attacks in younger patients. Cigarettes contain about 4000 chemicals, from which hundreds are harmful. And these harmful chemicals travel throughout our body, causing damage in several different ways when we smoke. Nicotine and carbon monoxide are the two big chemicals in cigarettes that cause health problems. Nicotine is very possessive and also has very strong effects on arteries in the whole body. It reaches the brain within 10 seconds after the smoke. It also speeds up the heart beats by 20 beats per minute, which cause high blood pressure with each cigarette we smoke. The heart needs extra amounts of oxygen to fight against all of these effects. But carbon monoxide affects the red blood cells, which prevent affected cells from carrying a full load of oxygen. And this makes even harder for heart to get more blood for him to fight against these effects. Smoking also cause cancer and lung diseases. Smoke damages important genes that control the growth of cells, which cause the cancer. And the stress caused by imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen that transfer DNA, which cause the hardening of the arteries, and leads to chronic lung injury. Smoking also kills your brain cells which decrease the ability of the...

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