social influence

social influence

The tendency to agree to do what is requested especially if there are certain factors present: a feeling that there is give and take, believability, likeability, limited supply and positive feedback from others. Robert Cialdini studied how successful marketing results in consumer Compliance. For example, soft drink labels have long used celebrities to increase Compliance. The ordinary consumer would buy the drink because they liked the celebrity, assumed that the celebrity approved of the product, and believed what he had to say about it.

People conform for a variety of reasons including the following.
1. Identity- similar dress, attitudes, and behavior give an individual a sense of group identity and acceptance.
2. Need for approval- people want to be liked. By disagreeing with a group or acting outside of the group's norms you may risk being unpopular.
3. A lack of knowledge or self-esteem- being wrong can be socially embarrassing, and being different is sometimes perceived as being wrong. In order to avoid being wrong, people may turn to the judgments of the majority assuming that they are better qualified to make decisions.
4. Self-interest - some people comply or conform to help their jobs, get promotions, votes or favors.

Three major reasons of obedience are listed below:
1. Fear of punishment or reprisal. Ex. Being fired, arrested, publicly embarrassed, and so on.
2. Possibility of gain. Ex. Obedience may be rewarded with social approval, promotion, privileges, etc.
3. Deep commitment to goals of, and respect for, an authority person, group, or institution.
Ex.) Military and terrorist leaders demand obedience from their followers.

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