Society vs. Racism

Society vs. Racism

America is considered the land of possibility to many, the land of the free. There is a plethora of businesses that function only through the collaboration of members that reside in every level of social class. As Marshall puts it, “social class describes relationships which we as adults have developed, may attempt to maintain, and in which we participate in every working day”(Marshall). One’s social class contains and is built by many different interactions. Your social class begins to be constructed at birth and is developed through interactions in the community, work place, and before all else places of education. Indeed the skills and level of thinking learned through education is a deciding factor in how strongly you can participate in the economy there for determining a major factor in social class (Marshall). This topic is discussed in articles written by (Shah, Reifowitz, and Marshall) who pose similar arguments to reinforce this observation but also have contrasting ideas on the subject. In all functioning capitalistic economies in the world there are distinct separations between the types of work done, or rather the skills used, to complete the job at hand. The lower level jobs like factory work generally function through having employees follow strict guidelines with attention to detail. While this is still a skill to be learned it requires little development of outside knowledge or the ability to analyze critically. Higher paying jobs come with the responsibility to be able to act for oneself and in the interest of what is beneficial by dealing with each situation in a calculated and often creative manner. These different skill sets are acquired through different methods of learning which are unique to the schooling each social class receives. For an example, Marshall states that in his research “In the two working class schools, work is following the steps of a procedure” (Marshall) but in the Executive Elite school worked at developing analytical...

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