

In order to succesfully get to the root of disrespect, we must first reveiw the actions that led to the disrespect. On the date of September 17, 2008, I, PFC Weaver, was accused of disrespecting a lawful order given to me by one of my NCOs who i have chosen to remain anonymous. The accusation was that the after the order had been given to me, I made various disrespectful comments under my breath that hinted at the fact that I did not agree that this order should have been addressed to me.The reason for this thought was because another Junior marine and I were sitting and eating while other junior marines were relaxing around the bay not eating or doing anything constructive. The order that was addressed to me was to go to another one of my NCO's vehicles. I carried out the order and walked off with the other junior marine, as I walked away I mumbled various disrespectful comments underneath my breath. I was overheard by another NCO who then informred the other NCO of the disrespect that occured

Now by disrespecting an NCO I am automatically subject to punishment under UCMJ article 91. None of this would have ever happened if i had just kept my mouth shut said "good to go" or "Aye Cpl", but, I chose to show my immaturity and blurt out stupid comments. There should have been no reason why I should have had a problem with the order I was the only PFC in the motor pool, on top of that the most junior marine there it was a solid act of immaturity that should have never occurred, I should not have let my opinions come out like that cause they do not matter an NCO told me to do something and i should have just kept my mouth shut and did it

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