Spelling Correct Leadership

Spelling Correct Leadership


Ok first off leadership is a strong ten letter word. Leadership begins with a letter “L” and ends with a letter “P”. Alright really leadership is very important part in the Army. All Army team members, Soldiers and civilians alike, must have a basis of understanding for what leadership is and does. Leadership starts with everyone, leadership needs to be everywhere. The text book definition is “the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization”. Now said that there are four aspects of a military leadership, well leader period. Influencing, Direction, Motivation, Improving.
Influencing is getting any persons, Soldiers, civilians, to do what is necessary. Influencing entails more than simply passing along orders. Personal examples are as important as spoken words. Leaders set that example, good or bad, with every action taken and word spoken, on or off duty. Through words and personal example, leaders communicate purpose, direction, and motivation. Within influencing there needs to be purpose and vision. Purpose gives people the reason to act in order to achieve a desired outcome. Leaders should provide clear purpose for their followers and do that in a variety of ways. Leaders can use direct means of showing purpose through requests or orders for what to do. Leaders also have to make sure the requests and or order is understandable, make sure everyone that ordered understands. Vision is another way that leaders can provide purpose. Vision can have less immediate consequences than other purpose statements. Higher-level leaders carefully consider how to communicate their vision.
When providing clear direction involves communicating how to accomplish a mission, prioritizing tasks, assigning responsibility for completion, and ensuring everyone understand the standards and how everything need to get done in the time period that tasks have to...

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