Spoof Ads

Spoof Ads

Ryan I. Wesley Spoof Ads Writing & Rhetoric II Absolute Vodka Instead of the bottle of Alcohol being displayed in the picture, in its place hung a muse. Drawn in the outline of the bottle branded with the slogan “Absolute Hangover”. I feel that the message was that you may experience a hangover so bad that you may want to just, or rather die. You would think that this message would be intended for those that drink alcohol. Instead, being an African American I, of course found this ad extremely racist. Because first off there are many ways, I feel to express the term hangover. And because this is an alcohol ad you would think that it would be geared towards those that drink but instead its seems pressured to the African American community. Reality Men This was a spoof ad for Calvin Klien. And instead of the pretty perfect gentlemen in the picture, stood a slightly overweight gentlemen. It’s speaking to Calvin Klien that the clothes that they produce are typically not made for the real men or the reality of men and their figures. At the same time I find the real ads of Calvin Klien quite inspiring and motivational to someday have my body exactly where they are not just so their clothes may fit me right but to create a better healthy me. Mc Donalds This was a spoof but truth ad for Mc Donalds. In this ad stood Ronald with red tape over his mouth with the word Greasy branded onto it. This ad is strongly geared towards those who eat Mc Donalds. It’s subliminally speaking that they are not truthfully or at all tell you how greasy and unhealthy the food is. This is a great tool of advertising some education to people socially, where Itis needed the most. I feel that in many caese of obesity people are unaware of the health issues that remain unhealthy and they get hooked to it with a habbit.

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