Steve Jobs and Apple Computers

Steve Jobs and Apple Computers

During my research of an entrepreneurs I came across Steve Jobs the Chairman and also CEO of Apple Computers and Pixar. During my research I found why Steve Jobs was a very successful man, he had a deep intriguing interest in technology which has pushed Steve Jobs to go further, he was alos very determined and held persistence, self-confident, able to think quick for highly impacted decisions. The characteristics thta Steve Jobs posses are the maturity, self assesment, and the thinking of what he really wanted to do in his life like every other person. Steve Jobs has created computers that are used in fashion schools,and schools themselves,mp3 players that hold as much songs as possible but it all depends on you to get the one with big memory, and also a new touch screen cellphone that goes online,has a multi-touch screen,gps and all sorts of crazy things you would drag around in your pocket from a camera, to a music player all in one and revolutionized the software, animation,music industries. Steve Jobs was born in San Fransico, California on 24 February 1955. His upbringing was that he was the first multimillionaire before he was even 30 years old and also he was kicked out of Apple in 1985 and started working with NeXT a computer company for commercial use only but later on Apple bought out NeXT and Steve Jobs reclaimed his sopt in Apple in 1996. Steve jobs Started out his Business in 1976 with a buddy of his Steve Woznaik and both men worked inJobs family garage an sold personal computers.Determination motivated Steve Jobs as an entrepreneur and all that hard work and also countless hours of moving on to reach their desired goals.

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