

I had the privilege of interviewing a 56-year old from Kenya who was a part of the Kikuyu tribe. She moved to America in order to have access to more opportunities for herself as well as her future family. She came to America alone with goals to obtain a degree, get married and start her own family. She had family members who were already here in the United States, so that made her transition a little easier. She says she prayed for months that she wouldn’t regret her decision of moving to the United States, and how she had to continuously tell herself that she couldn’t dwell on the negative possibilities. She stated that one of the most difficult challenges she had to face was leaving so many family members behind. After she arrived in the United States she moved in with relatives who lived in Massachusetts. Although she was with family members, it was still very difficult being away from the only world she knew. She often found herself doubting whether or not she would ever be able to stand on her own two feet and fulfil the goals that set out to meet prior to moving to the United States. She said the transition wasn’t easy but it was certainly worth it. Thankfully all of her hard work and dedication paid off. She’s now a school social worker, and she has started her own family.
During the interview the interviewee was very open in my opinion. She was very excited to answer all of my questions and go into great detail. Even from the start of the project, she was willing to share information and help me in any way possible. I feel that she was open because I’m not a complete stranger due to the fact that we work together. I also think she was open to sharing information because she says she believes she can teach others so much from her experiences. She often mentioned that her story may be able to help someone else. They may not be moving from one country to another but we all go through situations in which we have to make decision not knowing the outcome....

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