Survival, Evasion, and Recovery

Survival, Evasion, and Recovery

Survival, Evasion, and Recovery
(Multiservice procedures for Survival, Evasion, and Recovery)

Decide To Survive
S - Size up the situation, surroundings, physical condition, equipment
U - Use all your senses
R - Remember where you are
V - Vanquish fear and panic
I - Improvise and improve
V - Value living
A - Act like the natives
L - Live by your wits
1. Immediate Actions
a. Assess immediate situations. THINK BEFORE YOU ACT!
b. Take action to protect yourself from nuclear, biological or chemical hazards.
c. Seek a concealed site.
d. Assess medical condition; treat as necessary.
e. Sanitize uniform of potentially compromising information.
f. Sanitize area; hide equipment you are leaving.
g. Apply personal camouflage.
h. Move away from concealed site, zigzag pattern recommended.
i. Use terrain to advantage, communication, and concealment.
j. Find a hole-up site.
2. Hole-up Site
a. Reassess situation; treat injuries, then inventory equipment.
b. Review plan of action; establish priorities.
c. Determine current location.
d. Improve camouflage.
e. Focus thoughts on task(s) at hand.
f. Execute plan of action. Stay flexible!
3. Concealment
a. Select a place of concealment providing--
(1) Adequate concealment, ground and air.
(2) Safe distance from enemy positions and lines of communications.
(3) Listening and observing points.
(4) Multiple avenues of escape.
(5) Protection from the environment.
(6) Possible communications/signaling opportunities
b. Stay alert, maintain security.
c. Drink water.
4. Movement
a. Travel slowly and deliberately.
b. DO NOT leave evidence of travel; use noise and light discipline.
c. Stay away from lines of communication.
d. Stop, look, listen, and smell; take the appropriate action(s).
e. Move from one concealed area to another.
f. Use evasion movement techniques.
5. Communications and Signaling
a. Communicate as directed in applicable plans/orders.
b. Be prepared to use...

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