Synthesis Paper Goal

Synthesis Paper Goal

According to dictionary, puzzle means, ¡°To baffle or confuse mentally by presenting or being a difficult problem or matter.¡± When solving puzzle and facing block, we usually rack our brains, and then change our mind to think differently. When our brains don¡¯t come up with answers, some people give up and stop puzzling. This kind of people never get puzzle done and they¡¯re getting less confidence to accomplish their goal.

For example, in the story IN THE CATHEDRAL by Franz Kafka a man from the country walks to the door to get in, but there was a doorkeeper who looks powerful and says, ¡°If you are so strongly tempted, try to get in without my permission. But note that I am powerful. And I am only the lowest doorkeeper. From hall to hall, keepers stand at every door, one more powerful than the other.¡± The man from the country was a person who thinks people should keep the Law at all times. So he decides that he had better wait until he gets permission to enter. The man sits asking to give him permission and waiting for days, years, and his whole life. The man chose worst solution, just waiting the time until doorkeeper gives him a permission to get in the door, because he didn¡¯t try to think to find out better way such as persuading the doorkeeper, finding the another door which has no doorkeeper, fighting against the doorkeeper, making him dose a sleeping pill to sleep then get in the door while he is sleeping, or killing the doorkeeper to accomplish his goal, getting in the door. Although he was a so kind person, who keep the peace with doorkeeper and didn¡¯t disturb the doorkeeper because of his own Law, person should keep the rule, he remained as a person who lived failed life and had no passion to accomplish his goal.Another example is the story AN OLD PAGE by Franz Kafka. In the story, the town people have troubles because of nomads from the North who came into their square as their soldiers. Because the soldiers are nomads from the north,...

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