

In today's society working in teams counts for more than just people working on a project together or doing your average day to day work. Companies count on teams more than ever to not only solve everyday problems that may arise, but also to develop new products and services. Companies benefit from teams immensely, and as a result have become commonplace in the business world. The effectiveness of the team depends in part on the diversity and level of skill of the people involved, but also, and more importantly, on the teams ability to communicate. A team's interpersonal skill level and ability to communicate effectively is the deciding factor as to whether or not their primary goal is met. By examination of the importance of open communication, barriers to communication, as well as what is expected when it comes to communication in teams, the importance of good communication in teams is easily understood.

Working in teams has a seemingly endless array of benefits.
Increased creativity, problem solving, and innovation
Global competitiveness
Increased quality
Improved communication
Reduced turnover and absenteeism and increased employee morale

In order to achieve satisfactory results, there is a need for effective communication. The foundation for good communication is a bridge between team members which in turn creates a relationship that promotes trust. The trust that is built allows for an openness that in essence, is the reality of communication that keeps the team on track, moving them forward towards accomplishment of their goal. [develop the concept of open communication and how it's conducive to good communication]

To better understand communication in relation to teams, it's important to be aware of what defines poor communication. In doing so, teams will be more likely to avoid any communication roadblocks and stay on task through effective communication.

Lack of appreciation for the contributions of others.
Plain old...