Tear Soup the Movie

Tear Soup the Movie

Tear Soup

Tear Soup succeeded in portraying the very nature of grief and how it affects the very nature of humans as emotional and spiritual beings trap in a world full of uncertainty. The movie presented a powerful understanding of grief wherein the complex nature of human beings tends to create unique ways of how to response to it.
The said movie and its implications on life’s uncertainty and fragility gives its audience a powerful shield from the tsunami of heart piercing bone crushing pain intertwined with loss of someone we love because it would help us understand that this reality is a part of our existence.
No one can escape death, being trapped in this fragile world full of uncertainty we as humans equipped with intelligence and surviving capabilities must of course used these innate tools in a form of pro-active response to it so that we can move on.
Such movie is presented in the children’s perspective which makes it amazing because it presented a good simple understanding on how people regardless of age can treat the pain brought by grief as soup of our own recipe of uniqueness.
No one is powerful enough to resist the pain of losing someone dear to us, time seems to play a very vital rule in healing the wounded soul wherein anyone who is in the process of grieving is free to express in anyway he or she wants.
Tear Soup portrays the importance of grieving the right way wherein we see life and death are intertwined with each other which make our existence a colorful mixture of uncertainty, experiences and memories that are both good and bad, which makes this life a masterpiece of abstract truths we must accept.
This movie had greatly helped me understand right way of grieving by making my own tear soup which makes me capable of living life in a more meaningful manner through paradigm shift. Making your own tear soup gives you the strength to survive painful situations like losing a love one.
Tear soup is a kind of...

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