teen pregnancy

teen pregnancy

Teenage Pregnancy

The numbers of teenage pregnancies in the United States are the highest of all over the world. After over a decade of declining numbers, there now again on the rise. It's extremely important to keep lowering these rates. Parents of teenagers can help prevent pregnancy through open communication, providing them with the risks and responsibilities and showing guidance to their children. Teen pregnancy is not something that will just affect one person. It affects everyone in that person’s life. It is interesting how one small choice, or one mistake impacts the lives of so many different people.
According to the National Campaign to prevent teen and unplanned pregnancy, teens need large amounts of communication, guidance and information about these issues, even if they don’t appear interested in what you have to say. Understanding the meaning of sex is just as important as knowing how all the body parts work. Research clearly shows that talking about sex with your teen doesn’t necessarily encourage them become sexually active. Age-appropriate talks about relationships and intimacy should start young and continue through adolesence. Being able to have conversations about these issues may be a way to prevent pregnancies. (OMG)
In the United States, there are nearly 750,000 teen pregnancies each year, that's about 2000 a day! This means that about 30% of girls get pregnant at least once. (OMG) Communicating with your children about sex, love, and relationships is often more successful when you are clear in your own mind about these issues. . Start the conversation, and make sure that it is honest, open, and respectful. If they were able to communicate with their parents about these topics, children are more then likely willing to wait to have sex and avoid the risk of becoming pregnant. These conversations shouldn't be one sided, let your child ask questions they have without making it "the talk". If The majority of teens (51% of...

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