Television - Essay 9

Television - Essay 9

Nowadays, it is clear that flat screen TV are the best seller compared to the bulky kinds. Unfortunately, most flat screen TV are energy hogs which forces California regulator to get them off the shelves. By the year of 2011, California Energy Commission kept it's promise to new rules requiring stores to only sell television that meets the standards. However, this is a threat to retailers because if consumers cannot find the television set they want in store, then they will purchase it on the Internet which will put specialized TV retailers out of business. Because of the use of flat screen TV in bars and places to attract customers, the demand for energy would be high and blackouts will most likely to occur on the hot days. Pacific Gas & Electric states that they want people to enjoy technology but in a smart way also. PG&E also states that LCD TVs uses about 43% more energy than old cathode-ray tube sets. Not only TV will be affected by California Energy Commission, but also rear-projectors which falls in the categories between LCDs and plasmas in energy consumption. People are okay with this new move, except for retailers who can end up out of business.

If I had a chance, I would promote this new moves to different states across America and other countries also. This is a great idea because our world is in need of change and banning TV that needs more energy than it should get is a great idea. I think it is dumb that the new TV uses more power than the old one because if generally speaking, newer technology should have efficient TV and not just any TV that uses more power than it's old generation. One of people's worst fear worldwide is global warming and they never do anything about the TV sets. I just hope that this new move will be a threat to TV companies which hopefully they will produce better TV sets.

Nowadays, it is clear that flat screen TV are the best seller compared to the bulky kinds. Unfortunately, most flat screen TV are energy...

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