

My search started with opening my browser to my default page of www.google.com. I then typed in “Greece” “Job Opportunities” into the search field and clicked the search button. WOW! I received a display of “Results 1 - 10 of about 2,270 for "Greece" "jobs opportunities". (0.12 seconds).” Over two thousand hits back in less than one half of a second. The results were returned very fast. Although, that is what we have come to expect.

I selected the first link in the result set. http://www.jobsabroad.com/listingsp3.cfm/listing/56231

I also like to open a second tab and do a search on the website that I am directed to in order to see if anyone has entered feedback about the site. This feedback could be positive or negative. So I opened another tab in the browser window and typed www.jobsabroad.com into the search criteria field and clicked the search button. I received a display of  “Results 1 - 10 of about 7,770 for "www.jobsabroad.com". (0.17 seconds).”

The internet is a pool of information that can be good and evil. The ability to discern between the two is sometimes challenging. The people who want to do bad things with/on/through the internet are very smart. Sometimes though, I am too eager to find the answer I “want” to find and I fall victim to a scam. Many people are out there trawling for victims. Be cautious and do not get caught up in a scam.

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