The American Influences Among Filipinos

The American Influences Among Filipinos

American Influences
American influence sure is obvious because the Filipinos never had kitchen conveniences, but the Americans introduced them to refrigerators, ovens, microwaves, toasters & pressure cookers. The Filipinos were used in using their hands to eat, but with the influence and the introduction of eating utensils such as knives, forks and spoons; they have adapted their ways. The fork and spoon are the two main utensils of choice, with the spoon used as a knife to tear food into smaller bits. As the Filipino have absorbed the American culture, the American cooking is now becoming a part of Philippine cuisine. Through their fast foods the Americans shared their burgers, salads, hotdogs, pizza, spaghetti, cakes and pies, which the Filipinos baked with their native fruits.
Trend toward complete equality between husband & wife
Filipino - Romantic love exalted subordinate to parental approval
Filipino - Individual marital choice with parental approval
Americans - Romantic love all important with parental approval playing minor role
Chaperonage or group dating
Chaperonage giving way of dating
Little and no chaperonage and no taboos
Before the colonization of the Philippines by Spain in the early 16th century, wounds were treated by application of leaves and bark of trees, a system that is still practiced among indigenous tribes in remote areas that were not colonized. During the American occupation, a Pensionado Law was passed in 1904 that enabled Filipino doctors to train in surgery in the United States. Prior to the 1930s, the apprenticeship method of surgical training predominated. It was basically tutorial, haphazard, but highly personalized. Between 1930 and 1950, there was a gradual shift to the hospital-based type of training as it slowly became evident that those who trained as apprentices were less skilled and competent than their hospital- based colleagues. The influx of US-trained surgeons into the established medical schools...

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