The Benefits of Emotional Intelligence

The Benefits of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is very important in both school and job situations. Being able to read a person’s emotions and understand them can be beneficial. Last year I attended a management seminar that taught us about different personalities and why people look at things differently in different situations. This class taught me that all people don’t think like but just because they don’t doesn’t mean they are wrong. Understanding others and looking at things from other people’s perspectives can actually broaden your own horizons. It can make you think of things you wouldn’t have thought of if not for their suggestion or opinion. By using your emotional intelligence it enables you to know how to react to different personalities at school and work, which will make you successful.

Motivation effects how well a person will strive to do well at school or work. If a person is motivated at school they are going to work hard, study, complete their classes and graduate. A motivated person will try their best at everything they do or try. A person that is motivated at work will do their job to the best of their ability. They take pride in all they do and feel a good sense of accomplishment when they complete a task.

A person’s attitude affects the people around them. Someone with a positive attitude is a person that encourages others to look at the brighter side of things. They don’t give up and try and find an alternative solution if something doesn’t work out on their behalf. For example I haven’t written a school paper in years. I’ve kept a positive attitude and even though it took me almost a whole day I have completed my first essay question and am happy with it.

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