the book

the book

 Graduation Project
Interim Report Guidelines
The purpose of the interim report is to present a summary of the progress you have made so far on your graduation project and present a research plan for semester 2.
Your interim report should provide the reader with the following information:
1. Motivation for your project (what raised the need for your project or why your project is important).
2. Problem being addressed very specifically.
3. Objective of your project (what you are investigating or what you are going to develop to tackle the mentioned problem. For example: 1) Apply swarm intelligence technique to improve …, 2) Developing a tool that does such and such..)
4. Relevant research information on the problem you are addressing (Once you have a clear objective, the next stage is to perform a background reading to know what has been done in the area you are investigating , i.e. previous trials to solve this problem)
5. Your suggested solution to the problem (for example Conceptual model to your system).
6. A research plan
7. A timetable indicating the activities and their target dates (Gantt chart)
8. List the references which are the sources of information you acquired during your background reading. References are listed at the end of the report and citations are made in the body of the interim report
9. You may add risk analysis evaluation to your project.
Report Organization:
The report should be about 15 pages of text, excluding table of contents, figures and references. The format is: 12 point, Times New Roman, Double line spacing (BUE Style)
It should be organized as follows
1. The first page should be a cover page includes: Title, your details and supervisor’s details.
2. Table of contents.
3. Chapter 1 Introduction,
You give an overview of your project area (general information), explain its significance (Motivation) then...

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