The Causes of the Civil War

The Causes of the Civil War

Causes of the Civil War
Since the beginning of time the man’s lust for power, greed, and money has lead people into wars. There were also times where people fought for their freedom, for their rights and other noble causes. United States has seen its share of wars, and the most significant has been the Civil War which began on April 12th, 1861. The Civil War, also known as the War Between the States began when Confederate Forces attacked Fort Sumter, which at the time was a US military installation. To this day the Civil War remains the deadliest war in the American history; the war claimed 620,000 lives of soldiers, and an undetermined amount of civilian casualties. Wars do not just happen overnight, and neither did this one, for example WW2 was mainly caused by Germany’s defeat in WW1, and the Civil War had its causes.
There were a number of reasons for the war to begin; after the American Revolution in 1782 the North and the South split up in and both had their own lifestyles, and after the revolution the arguments began. Almost six decades of sectional conflicts between the north and the south brought social, economical, and political differences; the southerners, for many reasons wanted to become an independent nation. Many people thought that this war would not last very long, some even said that the men who enlist into the army will come home heroes within a few short weeks, but the North underestimated the South’s will to be independent, and in terms the South didn’t realize how determined the North was to end the rebellion.
During the 19th century the South remained completely agricultural and derived most of its wealth from the production of cotton, which was held mostly on slavery, when at the same time the North was expanding industrially and was more advanced commercially. The fact that slavery still existed to the northerners was unacceptable, and this was perhaps one of the most important causes of the civil war. Cotton was in large...

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