The Concept of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

The Concept of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

James Beam

Motivation assignment

In Young People’s Involvement in Sport, John M. Kremer discusses the concept of intrinsic/extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation rests on the rewards for winning the approval of others or obtaining good marks at school, whereas intrinsic motivation is all about feeling good or feeling competent about performance. A sample was done to determine the level of attainment in “top sport” among these athletes to know whether or not they should be considered as: “basic”, “elite”, or “competitive” athletes. 57.4 total percent of these athletes both male/female were considered “basic” athletes, whereas 40 total percent were considered “competitive” athletes, leaving 3 percent of the remaining athletes known as “elite.” In terms of intrinsic motivation, the more competitive athletes were found to be more relaxed and focused towards their sport and at the same time, feeling confident on the field. On the other hand, research also proves that the more “basic” athletes were not as self-confident, and possessed negative behavior towards their self-performance; it shows that the more “basic” athletes want to be accepted more into sports because they want approval from others to show that their level of competitiveness is up to par. “School culture” is a concept in which creates an environment where students feel a sense of belonging and are given the chance to become successful. I think that “school culture” promotes extrinsic movement since it deals with maintaining good marks at school. Students want to be able to feel accepted by their fellow classmates. Athletes become easily distracted at any given time and not one athlete receives a good reputation for succeeding on the field but failing off the field. It is important for these student athletes to receive proper education and a successful academic career to even think about pursuing an athletic career. An example would be my basketball team going undefeated all year and having...

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