The Death of Romeo and Juliet

The Death of Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio is partly correct in stating that the families are to be blamed for the tragedy that occurs, namely, the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. However, there are other characters and factors that play a role in their deaths, for example, Tybalt, Friar Laurence and Benvolio. One might even argue that Romeo and Juliet themselves are responsible for their own deaths.

Lord and lady Capulet play a major part in the death of Juliet, Lord Capulet is a very rude and selfish father, not very caring or considerate if he just listened to what Juliet really wants and didn’t force upon her the marriage to Paris, “But fettle your fine joints ‘gainst Thursday next to go with Paris to saint Peter’s church” then she would never of gotten angry and run to friar Lawrence for help, therefore Juliet would never of received the potion to fake her death.

Lord and Lady Montague don’t play as major part in the deaths as the capulet’s the only substantial part they play is that the started a feud. “from ancient grudge break to mutiny” The feud is the main reason that this tragedy really happened. If there was no feud then Romeo and Juliet wouldn’t of had to hide their love. By hiding their love it forced upon them secrecy and lies and betrayal upon their family, if their parents knew that they were married then Juliet wouldn’t have been forced to marry Paris and then want to kill herself to be with Romeo.

Another factor which is partly responsible for this disaster is fate that everything happens for a reason. They were destined to die in each other’s arms. They lived a short life. Their love was so strong that they were willing to die to be with each other, “a pair of star cross lovers take their life” One might say we are put in this world to find love, they both found it early in their life so therefore their mission was accomplished.

Tybalt, Benvolio and Friar Lawrence are also responsible for the tragedies in a small but yet quite...

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