The Different Forms of Censorship

The Different Forms of Censorship

Censorship, in its many forms is ignorant and also causes ignorance in those that are censored from it. Censorship can be found everywhere from the cash registers at Stop & Shop all the way to your summer reading lists. It is in your newspapers, your internet, your libraries, your school curriculum, and even some of your conversations. It is careless and needs to stop. I once saw a poster that said on it “Censorship Causes Blindness” and it is 100% true.
One of the reasons that I believe that censorship causes blindness is when people are not allowed to read books The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ,which is a classic piece of literature, has racial slurs that are not readily acceptable in today’s society. Because when people ban books they just don’t take into consideration the time when the book was written, and that those racial slurs were acceptable then. It is an American Classic and it is being banned in schools across the country. This book offers many lessons that kids can learn from and now are deprived of.
It simply doesn’t make sense that they can ban books because of an argumentative cause such as a racial slur but they do not have to censor things such as holocausts or religious wars. How come it is not admissible to read the “n” word but we can read about how Adolf Hitler and how he caused the death of over 1,000,000 people by cruel, and unusual torture. It’s ignorant to do one thing and not the other it should just not be done at all.
We as a nation, should take all the power that the censurers have. They are trying to manipulate people into thinking that saying certain things is bad. In the mall people are no longer being allowed to say merry Christmas because “they might not be Christian” someone says Merry Christmas, it doesn’t mean that they assume that you are Christian they’re just wishing you happy holidays, they aren’t trying to convert you to Christianity. It Censurers are trying to take the word god out of the pledge of allegiance...

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