the edge

the edge

[The play is set on the edge of a big cliff. And while it is outdoors, there should be a door to indicate the exit from the party. The party should feel as if it is taking place indoors. There can even be furniture. However, when someone exits out the door, it is a long deathly fall, and ideally we in the audience can see the fall happen, even though the partygoers pay it no mind.
As each character exits, there should be a conversation and series of laughter that underscore the action of the play; this laughter should gain momentum throughout the play, the same way a snowball gains force and mass as it rolls down a mountain. When bursts of laughter are indicated from the stage directions, the laughter should come directly from the actors the audience sees on the stage. Each time a new character speaks, it should feel that we are hearing the end of a story, an ending that punctuates some great story that people tell at parties to impress and engage others. It is up to the actors and the director to work out how this storytelling/party atmosphere should be conveyed. Feel free to fill the time between exits with inventive stage business and creation.
Lots of noise as the crowd mingles and the band plays and the drinks are poured and the stories exchanged. A festive atmosphere pervades. Someone throws a keg or piece of furniture off the cliff and they burst into laughter. The large group seems to be centered around one man who we cannot see: he is The Last Man Standing.
Stan Casual gestures wildly as he tells his story. He builds to a climactic ending as he says:]
STAN CASUAL: And that's exactly what I said!
[Burst of laughter. He begins to exit.]
Nice knowing you.
[Stan exits through the door and falls off the cliff. We hear him scream as the others laugh. Time passes. Now Joe Blow holds court.]
JOE BLOW: Terrible? I'll say.
[Burst of laughter and then he exits and falls off the cliff and screams. Time passes....

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