The Effects of Technology, Engineering and Computer Science in the Medical Environment

The Effects of Technology, Engineering and Computer Science in the Medical Environment


My topic of choice is the affects of technology, engineering, and computer science in the medical and health environment. The application of technology in the medical field has mixed consequences in a social aspect, on one hand the technology can improve the way everyone lives and greatly improve treatment of diseases and injuries [1]. However, on the other hand these new technologies can replace doctors and surgeons, thus a decrease in jobs in the health care field, and raise questionable ethic issues [2].
The advances in medical technology over the past years have been very successful in many fields, such as diabetes [3], cancer [4], and even AIDS [5].
The impact that medical technology has had on the world has even increased the life expectancy with the use of such technology as magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) and computed tomography (CT), they can spot diseases, tumours, haemorrhages, and various other body deficiencies, much faster than before these technologies were implemented [6].
These technologies don’t just help the patients but the doctors also. With overworked and tired doctors, accidents are bound to happen, but with the application of technology, these accidents may never happen as a robot could be used to make rounds in a hospital, controlled remotely from a doctor that could be miles away [7].

My topic of choice is the affects of technology, engineering, and computer science in the medical and health environment. The application of technology in the medical field has mixed consequences in a social aspect, on one hand the technology can improve the way everyone lives and greatly improve treatment of diseases and injuries [1]. However, on the other hand these new technologies can replace doctors and surgeons, thus a decrease in jobs in the health care field, and raise questionable ethic issues [2].
The advances in medical technology over the past years have been very successful in many fields, such as diabetes [3], cancer...

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