The Effects of Video Games

The Effects of Video Games

Effects of Video Games
For several years television debate has extended to video games many of which include addiction, behavioral problems, school performance, and how parents are monitoring their children. Technology has improved from generation to generation and young children are into what we call video games and techie gadgets. The effects of video gaming have a wide range of effects on young people today and like anything else the effects you get is in way they are used. This is why we must monitor what video games and how long our children are playing.
It has been increasingly noticed that some people developed problem video game use. Ninety percent of American youth play video games and fifteen percent may be addicted to them.(Recognizing problem video game use) This can cause many parents to be worried whether their child has an addiction or not. To identify a valid addiction there has to be some real problems interfering with daily life. For example, a combination of social, school, family, and psychological functioning being negatively affected by video game use. There is a list of signs that can help you identify if your child has an addiction. The list includes, excessive amount of time spent on video games, how often the child thinks about playing when he is not playing, and video games being the cause of problems in the family or social activities. These are just a few signs to look for a real addiction.
The time a child spends playing video games can be a very crucial part of becoming addicted. If a child spends a tremendous amount of time playing video games the risk of being addicted goes way up. It is shown that boys spend more time playing video games than girls. It is reported that children play an average of seven or eight hours per week video gaming. (Young children’s video/computer game use) Parents need to monitor how many hours their children play video games. It will help children in the long run if there are set...

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