the family of planets

the family of planets

The Family of Planets
Cynthia Phillips
Rasmussen College

This paper is being submitted by Cynthia Phillips, For class,
G239/AST2002 Section 01 Introduction to Astronomy -

The Family of Planets
Hoping to explain the difference between the Jovian planets and Terrestrial planets, where I don’t think no one can live on only if you are a space alien. Some of the differences can be that, Mass: Even in terms of mass, Jovian planets score over terrestrial planets, with the smallest with the smallest planet in this category having 15 times the mass of the Earth. With The density of terrestrial planets is five times that of water, while that of Jovian planets is as much as that of water. And the the surface of Jovian planets is made up of gases, while that of the terrestrial planets is made up of solid rock. Much of the atmosphere of terrestrial planets is predominantly made up of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, while that of the Jovian planets is made up of hydrogen and helium. Can be terrestrial planets are closer to the Sun, and hence, are referred to as the 'inner planets', while Jovian planets are farther, and hence, are referred to as the 'outer planets'.
One of the coolest parts is the size the difference between the two, Jovian planets are gigantic with mass volcanoes and graters. The terrestrial counterparts are considerably small in size. This is where space likes to play pranks; one of the Jovian planet is 10 times larger than earth. With a Jovian planet being mostly primarily gaseous, Jovian planets are primarily hydrogen and helium, with thick, dense atmospheres and surfaces of compressed liquid hydrogen. In spite of their size, Jovian worlds rotate much faster than terrestrial planets. With this big old planets not being made of anything solid, and have 10 times the mass of the earth. Some of the big planets are called Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Are in our solar system,
Going on to terrestrial...

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