The Final Bidding Process

The Final Bidding Process


The final bidding process for Term-3 will take place in three Rounds.
▪ In Round-1, a student will have to login to SPIDI and submit FINAL CHOICE of courses for Term-3. These choices will be binding.
▪ At the end of this round, we will have three types of courses as follows.
▪ Overbid course: An overbid course is the one for which more number of students have opted than the cap (upper limit) set by PGP office.
▪ Underbid course: An underbid course is the one with less than 20 students opting for it.
▪ Normally bid course: A course with registrations more than 20 but less than CAP.
▪ Bidding process would move on to Round-2 if there is at least one overbid course.
▪ Students who have at least one overbid course will be part of this round.
▪ A student will have maximum of 1000 points to be allocated among his/her overbid courses.
▪ Input for point allocation will be taken at one step in a decision tree like format. Details of the same will be provided at the start of this round.
▪ Courses will be resolved one by one starting with highest bid course. The highest bid course will be calculated based on extent of overbid calculated as follows.
▪ Extent of overbid = Number of students opting the course ' cap set for the course
▪ We will allocate the course to top N bids in the course, where N is the cap set for the course.
▪ If there is tie in the bid points, we will use random allocation to resolve the tie.
▪ If a student loses out on the most overbid course, he will be reallocated the points he had allotted to that course.
▪ This procedure will be followed for subsequent overbid courses.
▪ At the end of Round-2, we would have resolved overbid courses and have some students losing out on such courses.
▪ Bidding process will then move to third round.


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