The Fuction of Homeostasis

The Fuction of Homeostasis

For this experiment, we hypothesized that a higher temperature of water will increase the rate of osmosis. Also, a higher concentration gradient will increase the rate of osmosis. ... The rate of osmosis was affected by the temperature of the water, as was the degree of the concentration gradient affecting the rate of osmosis in the second part. ... The function that we will be looking at for the sake of this lab is the function of homeostasis. ... Osmosis and diffusion are two types of passive transport.
Diffusion is the movement of molecules from regions of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. When the molecular movement is greater, diffusion is greater. When molecular movement is less, the diffusion is also less. ... Osmosis is similar in that fact except it is the movement of water across a semi permeable membrane. Similar to diffusion, the osmosis will continue until the inside and outside concentrations are equal.
The diffusion across a membrane is affected by four things. ... We chose to analyze the concentration gradient and the temperature affecting the rate of the diffusion across the membrane. Our hypothesis is that an increase in temperature will produce a higher osmosis rate and that the higher the concentration, the rate at which osmosis occurs will be greater.

Abstract -area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration through a semi-permeable membrane until the concentrations are equal. Osmosis has the same basic theory as diffusion. Particles are moving from an area where they are in great concentration to an area where they are in low concentration until the concentrations are the same. Osmosis is this movement of water particles and the particles must move through a semi or partially permeable membrane (a membrane that lets some things through but not others). An example of this type of membrane is a cell wall, like in a potato. Osmosis occurs when two things occur. One is if the cell...

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