The Giver Theme Essay

The Giver Theme Essay

Individuality Makes Us Who We Are
Without feelings individuality would be impossible. In the novel The Giver by Lois Lowry tries to illustrate a perfect life, but with Jonas and The Giver realizes the decisions they make causes the community to lack individuality. There community gives them no way to illustrate their true emotion. Living in sameness the Elders overrule and lay out what they think a perfect community, without any option of independence. At the Ceremony of The Twelve’s Jonas was assigned “The Receiver”, this was not a choice Jonas agreed on. But the community is lacking liberated people, who are Clueless about their choices, and Personailty and appearance.
The Community is lacking liberated members. In this life of sameness personality is a lost soul. If the members of Jonas’s community had perception of what was really going on this would not be the same community. With the rest of the community being so clueless, it is not possible. Jonas realizes that he and The Giver are the only members of the community that are not living in sameness. Jonas is very unique in his community, he has feelings, and he see’s and experiences many things such as snow feelings, like happiness, pain etc. In the Giver there are many occasions where happiness is felt. (Pg 28 “They have never felt pain, he thought.” “The Realization made him feel desperately lonely.”)Jonas and The Giver are the only members who have understood and experienced feelings.
How would you feel if you were totally clueless about your husband or wife? When would you truly get to feel love? The elders speculate and match a male and female together. But do they feel love just because there put together? No, at least Jonas understands what love is, it’s hard to love in an emotionless community. If the members weren’t clueless maybe they would get to experience real love. Jonas realizes that he has feelings for...

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